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The Freeletics Daily Athlete Score (DAS)


The Daily Athlete Score takes into account not only the various aspects of your performance but also how consistent you are with your training. The DAS analyzes your training over the past three months, giving you a near real-time status of your fitness across multiple measurements.


The ability to see your progress and get an accurate picture of your fitness level at any given time is perhaps the most exciting aspect of the Daily Athlete Score. This makes it easier to set goals, track progress, and adjust training plans as needed.

Creating a sense of celebration among Free Athletes is one of the main goals of the Daily Athlete Score. Being able to track and see your progress will give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in your hard work. This creates a loop of positive reinforcement, which helps to strengthen healthy habits and keep you on track with your fitness goals.

Update: A single descriptive statistic of your fitness

The Daily Athlete Score uses over 100 different data points from the past 90 days to give you a near real-time view of your current fitness level.

How does DAS do the math? Here’s an overview:

Consistency: This is calculated based on the workouts you do compared to the workouts you scheduled (within the last 90 days). The exact formula is the following:

Consistency = (Number of Actual Training Days / Number of Planned Training Days) * 100

Actual Training Days: These are the unique days when you completed at least one workout, including Coach Workouts, On-Demand Trainings, as well as Workouts from the Workout Creator.

Planned Training Days: These are the unique days when you were supposed to train, according to "Training days this week" that you determined in the Coach Settings.

  • Speed is calculated based on the time you take to complete God and running workouts. Your score is benchmarked against other users with similar age and gender.



Score calculation 


All God workouts 

Your duration to complete the workout. 


Running workouts with fixed distance 

Your duration to complete the workout. 

  • Strength is calculated based on maximum repetitions performed within one round for a set of bodyweight exercises and the estimated 1 rep max for a set of weighted exercises. Your score is benchmarked



Score considers 


Pushups, One-Handed Pushups, Diamond Pushups, Strict Handstand Pushups, Archer Pushups, Pullups, Muscleups, Squats, Pistol Squats, Squat Jumps, Toes-to-Bar, Leg Raises, Hanging Leg Raises, Situps 


Your maximum repetitions performed within one set without breaks. 


Bench Press, Back Squats, Bent Rows, Deadlifts, Double Dumbbell Shoulder Presses, Side Bends Left, Side Bends Right 


The amount of weight you used and the number of repetitions. Considers only sets where you performed 10 or less repetitions for the most accurate 1-rep-max estimation. 

  • Stamina is calculated based on the number of bodyweight exercise repetitions performed within one round. For each exercise listed below, your score will be benchmarked against other users with



Score considers 


Squats, Lunges, Burpees, Pushups, Knee Pushups, Situps 


Your maximum repetitions in one set without breaks, where you performed more than 10 repetitions. 


Why 10 repetitions as a threshold? According to several studies,* this threshold is optimal for assessing strength and stamina. Not only that, this number also promotes endurance and stimulates muscle growth so every set in your training counts toward your goals.

  • Skill considers perceived technique and is calculated based on the answer given to the feedback prompt “How was your technique?”. Unlike other scores, calculation is based on your feedback only and there is no benchmarking involved
    • Your score considers all the exercises where the feedback prompt is available. Users in Dumbbell and Kettlebell Training Journeys who perform only weighted exercises might not get a skill score as the feedback prompt is not available for certain exercises in those Training Journeys. It does not impact the overall score

Introducing: The Calendar View

We believe that seeing and tracking your progress is key to understanding and improving your fitness levels. That's why we've integrated a dynamic calendar visualization that helps you understand how consistent you’ve been with your scheduled workouts.

See your Training experience be brought to life in your Score Breakdown in the Profile tab.

Blue indicates your training days; a circle for today’s session and a square for completed sessions. Future training days are marked by an outline.

Gray tells you when you don’t have to train; a circle for today and a dot for other days. A gray square marks which previous training days you missed.


Where can I see my Daily Athlete Score?

You’ll find your DAS by clicking on the Profile tab at the bottom of the Freeletics app.

Take me to my DAS

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