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“I feel more confident in my own skin.” - Didzis’ story


Didzis’ journey began one year before he started with Freeletics, shredding approximately 30 kg by simply dialing in his nutrition. And while he was proud of his results, Didzis knew that adding exercise to the mix could unlock new levels of strength and confidence.

That’s when he turned to the Freeletics Transformation Challenge to help him level up and fall in love with sports (and see results!). Here’s his story:

“As a doctor, I tend to work very long hours and often, after intense days, I feel extremely drained. I struggle to find the motivation to exercise even though I know that I’ll feel much better after working out. Moreover, I don't entirely enjoy the gym, especially doing the same monotonous exercises on the machines.

My goal for this challenge was to lose more weight and become more lean and athletic. My dream has always been to manage a Pullup, but I’ve never been able to do it.

My perfect outcome would be to make working out an everyday habit – part of my everyday routine and to find joy in sports.”

From questioning it to crushing it

“I really did accomplish my goals. I never thought I could. I always dreamed of being athletic, but I never could reach it. With Freeletics, I did it for the first time at the age of 33.

I’m so proud of myself. For the most part, I’ve only had professional goals, leaving my dream of being athletic secondary. It was amazing to reach it for the first time in my life.

I feel more confident in my own skin and physically strong, which for me is the most important milestone.

Strengthening relationships across the board

“This experience has helped me look at food in a much different way and improve my relationship with food, which I have struggled with my whole life.

With the new confidence I gained, my relationships with my friends also took a much better turn. Their overall reaction to my transformation was very positive. My friends really admired my commitment and ability to reach my goal. Everyone was very supportive on this journey.”

Turning struggles into lasting habits

“If I said I didn't struggle after the challenge, it wouldn't be completely honest. After reaching my goal during the Transformation Challenge, it wasn’t easy to continue in the same way, especially without having somebody checking in with me daily.

Although I'm not as fit as I was on the last day, I still have a much better understanding of diet and exercise, and I try to apply it every day.”

My advice: dare to start

“If I could go back, I would try to be more patient and trust the process more instead of expecting results right at the get-go.

I definitely would advise you to dare and to start this journey. It broadens the horizons you never thought were possible to reach, and it's worth it. But the biggest challenge will be, for sure, the journey afterward.”

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