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Train Supreme with the Launch of 7 new Freeletics Signature God Workouts


Challenge yourself and build superhuman strength, power, and endurance with the launch of seven new God workouts. Training and Nutrition expert David Wiener introduces the new Freeletics signature workouts and how they will help you conquer your health and fitness goals, wherever you are in your training journey.

Each workout includes at least one piece of equipment or an exercise that requires space to elevate your workout and up the ante. These seven new workouts are set to become firm favorites, working you harder than any God before, pushing you further, and ensuring you become the very best version of yourself possible.

Each workout is unique in its own way, challenging you mentally and physically, regardless of fitness ability for optimum results. Sounds good, right?

It is time to meet the new Gods who will be revolutionizing your workouts:


Duration: Long ***

Difficulty: Advanced ***

Perfect for advanced and experienced Free Athletes, Pallas was the titan god of battle and warcraft – the epitome of strength, resolve, and determination. Translated to mean “spear holder”, the Pallas workout focuses predominantly on the upper body with exercises that build strength and power.

Incorporating a Pullup Bar, the Pallas workout includes Pushups, Plank Shoulder Taps, as well as either Burpee Toes-to-Bar, Burpee Pullups, or Burpee Muscleups. Adding a dash of variety to this grueling three-round workout, the last exercise of each round is different, rotating between each of the three Burpee-based exercises. Putting the spotlight on your upper body strength, Pallas also works the core for a challenging workout that takes your upper body strength to the next level. Weakness is not an option.


Duration: Medium **

Difficulty: Beginner *

Take a walk on the wild side and feel the burn in your lower body with Kallisto, a goddess who was Zeus’s lover that was turned into a bear and cast into the stars, where she now resides as Ursa Major, “The Great Bear”.

With this workout, you spend time on all fours, building functional strength, power, and endurance in your lower body and core. This workout requires 20 meters of distance with three rounds of exercises which include the Bear Walk, Scissor Kicks, Broad Jumps, and the Crab Walk. Suitable for beginners, the Kallisto workout is a fun way to challenge yourself and is sure to bring out your wild side.


Duration: Long ***

Difficulty: Beginner *

Greek legend has it the Greek God Ocnus was condemned to spend an eternity weaving a rope made from straw, making him a probable expert in jumping rope and a pro when it comes to skipping, or so we would have thought!

A workout not to be skipped (pardon the pun), Ocnus features the new Freeletics Jump rope for the greatest lower body and core workout which includes three powerful rounds of Single Unders with Jump Rope, Plank Shoulder Taps, Lunges, and Sprawls to get your heart racing and your muscles burning. Suitable for beginners and inexperienced Free Athletes, Ocnus is the perfect workout to jump-start your week.


Duration: Medium **

Difficulty: Advanced ***

In Greek mythology, Kratos is the divine personification of strength, and strength is the name of the game when it comes to this challenging workout and conquering this God.

Ideal for the most advanced Free Athletes who are looking to build full-body strength, Kratos works the upper and lower body with three rounds of Wall Walks, Wall Sit, and Pistol Squats. Truly not for the faint-hearted, all you need for this one is a wall to hold your body weight and you are good to go.


Duration: Short *

Difficulty: Beginner *

Deino was one of three sisters, who shared one eye and one tooth among them. She was known in Greek Mythology as the first sister and was the personification of dread and anticipation of horror.

A short workout, suitable for beginners, Deino is not as scary as she sounds. To complete this full-body workout which focuses on both the upper and lower body you will need the new Freeletics Jump rope and a wall to support your body weight. In this fast-paced workout, you’ll complete four short rounds of Single Unders with Jump Rope, Lunges, and Handstand Hold, perfect if you’re short on time and looking for an effective strength-building, full-body workout.


Duration: Short *

Difficulty: Intermediate **

The second of the three sisters, Enyo was the goddess who personified the spirit of war, destruction, and conquest. Depicted as “supreme in war”, Enyo was a fighter, mentally and physically tough to get the job done.

Suitable for intermediate athletes, Enyo will put you through your paces, working your upper and lower body to the max for divine results. To complete this workout, you will need the new Freeletics Jump rope and a wall to support your body weight as you complete four grueling rounds of Alternating Legs with Jump Rope, Cossack Squats, and Shoulder Taps. Completing this workout will prove you are stronger than you think.


Duration: Short *

Difficulty: Advanced ***

The third of the three sisters, Pemphredo was the personification of alarm and shock, and that’s what this short, sharp workout aims to do – surprise and test your body to take your training, results, and fitness to the next level.

Focusing on the upper and lower body, you will need the new Freeletics Jump rope as well as adequate space. Over the course of this workout, you will battle through and defeat four intense rounds of Double Unders with Jump Rope, Pistol Squats, and Handstand Walk, before you can rest and celebrate your achievements.

So there it is. The gauntlet has been thrown down, Free Athlete. Seven new gods that will push you to your limits stand before you. Are you ready to take them on?

Of course you are.

Log in to the app, head to the Workouts section, and meet the new challengers.