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Small Steps to Big Success: Real-Life Fitness Advice


Every Athlete is on a different journey, but they have one thing in common. They all have to build a routine and a mindset to achieve their fitness goals. It’s not always easy, and starting small is the best way to keep momentum going. But how? We tapped into the awesome Freeletics Community and asked some experienced Free Athletes to share their advice for those of you starting out.

Organize and Get in the Zone Mentally

“Trust the process, it is normal not to see results after the first few weeks.”


“Never compare yourself with anyone. Creating your better self is a marathon not a sprint”


“Set realistic and achievable goals. You’re not going to get that 6-pack you want in 2 weeks!”


“Set aside time each day for yourself and exercise. Even if you don’t have time for a complete workout, make it a priority daily.”


“If you lack motivation, start warming up and motivation will come – movement induces movement.”


“What I found helpful was to have a set time of day when I would train, so, for example, at the moment, I always train in the morning after a light breakfast.”


“I like watching motivational videos before workouts – helps get me pumped! Listening to music also always helps get me in the mood. Also, imagining how I would feel if I quit working out is a good motivator. I hate to quit anything!”


Focus on the Training Basics

“First of all, congrats on starting your fitness journey! Technique is the most important thing. Don’t be afraid to scale down and you will build strength over time. Go slow and focus on body-mind connection. If a workout seems too hard, just do what you can and you will be surprised by what you can achieve.”


“Focus on technique, forget time. Do not overestimate yourself – take rest days. And don’t be afraid of workouts or exercises you can’t do. It is absolutely OK to scale down and celebrate the star when mastering it.”


“Don’t rush your training – enjoy it!”


“When starting out on a new program, take your time and work on technique to avoid injury. Don’t worry about speed or endurance right away.”


“I really had to get used to feeling a bit of discomfort. Now, I would recognise this as muscle tiredness.”


Seek out Social Support

“Speak with friends who are also training. They can offer you support and encouragement when the going gets tough (which it will!).”


“Ask a friend or someone that you know to work out with you. Having company whilst training just makes it more fun.”


Remember That Nutrition Matters Too

“As for nutrition, I have found it so important to eat something before training, which is why I now train after breakfast. The first few times I trained without eating and I had no energy at all.”


“I moved to a vegan diet and it really helped me to plan out my meals a few weeks in advance so I knew exactly what I was eating. Normally I’m rushing around buying ingredients at the last minute, but planning my new meals in advance ensured I had everything I needed, when I needed it.”


“Eat the chocolate. If you love chocolate (or any other sweets), don’t strike it from your diet in the name of health. Go for moderation over restriction. Some foods are just good for the soul - and living a healthy lifestyle is all about balance.”


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