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Overcoming excuses: why everyone can become a runner


Think you’re genetically designed not to be a runner? Don’t have time or worried that running won’t match your goal or interfere with other training methods? Ever occurred to you that these are just excuses? If you want to become a runner, you will become runner. That’s why we’re here to help you overcome all obstacles and prove the only thing holding you back is yourself.

Excuse #1: I can’t run

Running is a natural human movement, if not the most natural of all. We’re bipedal creatures and are made to run. It's not without reason that anthropologists and medical professionals call human beings “running machines”. About 70% of our muscles are trained when we run; no other movement achieves this. While our ancestors used to run miles and miles, most of us today spend our days sitting at our desks. Time to change that and take it back to the roots.

Excuse #2: I don’t have time

A week has 168 hours. If you sleep and work for sixteen hours a day, that leaves you with 64 hours for other activities. Taking 30 minutes for training uses only 2% of your day. If you plan your week in advance, getting your training into your schedule three to four times won’t be a problem. If you can, use your lunch break for a run and eat a prepped meal afterwards. Or get up a little earlier and get in some morning miles.

Excuse #3: I’ll lose my muscle mass

Running is counterproductive when it comes to building muscle, right? This depends on what kind of muscle fibers are trained, which in turn depends on intensity and duration.

For example, sprinting stimulates muscle growth, as explosive movements at peak performance encourage the release of growth hormones and place extreme demands on muscle fibres, increasing muscle volume. However, the most important factor in building muscle is keeping to a balanced diet, rich in nutrients.

Excuse #4: It’s dangerous

Doesn’t regular running risk damaging the joints? Actually, you're more likely to damage the joints by not running at all. Regular training is the only way the joints can learn to produce more synovial fluid and improve blood flow. So if you’ve experienced joint pain before, there’s no need to worry about damage as a result of running training. Just make sure you take it easy in the beginning and consciously pay attention to your movements and technique - the more natural the movement feels, the better.

Let's recap:

Running isn't dangerous, time-consuming or impossible. Running can literally be anything you want it to be, you just need to lace up your shoes and give it a go.