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6 top tips for working out at home


Working out at home is convenient, cheap and efficient, but it often presents challenges you might not expect.

To really get the most out of working out at home, try these top tips:

1. Eliminate distractions

The biggest obstacle when it comes to working out at home are all the distractions that threaten to cut your workout short. Whether it’s family, errands or Netflix, there are more things at home to throw you off your game than anywhere else. To get the most from an at home session, you need to minimize distractions. That could mean pausing notifications on your phone, telling family members to leave you in peace or turning off your computer.

2. Build a support system

One of the hardest parts about getting in shape isn’t completing your workout, but starting it in the first place. It’s one thing to say you’re going to stick to your training schedule, but it’s another thing to actually do it. That‘s why it‘s important to develop a healthy sense of accountability, and this can even be done from home with the support of the Freeletics Community. Training as part of a community will also help you to bond with people who have similar goals, sharing in the experience and making it even more enjoyable, even from your own home.

3. Create a fitness space

Allocating part of a room as your fitness space is a great way to make sure you get the most out of at home workouts. First, you’ll have everything you need in one spot, so you’ll waste less time looking for your equipment and more time working out. Ideally, this space should become synonymous with working out and working hard, a spot you go to regularly with limited distractions and where family members know to leave you be.

4. Schedule time to train

The convenience of training at home is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can work out at your leisure at a time that suits you. On the other hand, this freedom can make it easier to miss sessions and become distracted. To keep yourself committed and accountable, schedule your workouts in your diary or calendar at times you know you'll stick to. Keeping this schedule in view will help you to remember it’s time to work out and less likely to forget.

5. Don’t forget about your form

When you’re training at home, it can be easy to let your form slip as there is no one watching you and no one to correct you. In the long run, this could lead to injury so make sure you focus on your form. If you’re trying a new exercise, try doing it in front of the mirror to ensure you’re performing it correctly.

6. Try new moves

If you’re working out at home and on your own, it can be easy to get stuck in a workout rut, sticking to exercises which you like doing, but which won’t necessarily challenge you or get the results you’re after. To keep your body guessing and ensure you’re progressing towards your health and fitness goals, make sure you try new moves, or new variations of classic exercises like Pushups and Squats. With nobody watching, this can be a perfect time to practice exercises you’re not as confident in.

Let’s recap:

Training at home is convenient, effective and inexpensive, but it isn’t always easy. Distractions, too much time and a lack of space can make working out at home more of a challenge than you’d like, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Taking simple measures to optimize your home training environment can make all the difference to your motivation, commitment and performance.