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“I wanted to explore my limits” – Thorsten’s Story

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Thorsten had always been quite fit, but was yet to find the training method that would get him into the shape of his life. Levelling up his fitness would be a huge challenge, and he needed the right training method to do so. With his wedding day approaching fast and tired of seeing no results, he turned to Freeletics..

Having committed to countless training programs, Thorsten still hadn’t found one that gave him what he wanted. He was already fit, but wanted to get even fitter, and he simply couldn’t find a program that would be up to helping him with this difficult task. He also realized that he had never really pushed himself up to and beyond his limits before and needed to be part of a community that would challenge him to give a bit more every day. Naturally, Thorsten turned to Freeletics.

I wanted to see just how much muscle I could build up and what kind of physical transformation my body could undergo. I wanted to push myself, and Freeletics seemed like the only way to go.

Was it easy? Hell no. The changes didn’t come quickly, and Thorsten had to learn how to be patient with his progress. But eventually, he started to notice that a physical and mental transformation was underway. He knew he was on the right track when his t shirts began to get tighter on his arms. And it was all uphill from there. Over the next few months, Thorsten didn’t just develop the muscles he’d longed for, he became fitter and more confident too. A few months before his wedding day, Thorsten changed his focus from bulking up to getting lean. Just as he’d committed to gaining muscle, his determination to get lean paid off. The change he’d always wanted to see was in progress, and all it took was commitment to the right training program.

So, what does a typical training session look like for Thorsten? First, a short warm up, followed by a no-holds-barred 45-60 minute workout. Following the wedding, his focus is back on building muscle: “I’m currently trying to really push myself in terms of the weights I am lifting and, when I do bodyweight exercises, I try to focus more on the execution of more difficult exercises rather than on doing everything really fast.” Thorsten’s favorite workout? It changes often, and the frequent updates mean that there’s always exciting new exercises for him to try.

Thorsten is ready to admit that he didn’t go through this journey alone; the Freeletics community played a central role in motivating him along the way. “Training with other Free Athletes motivated me to train more often and to demand more from myself.” Fairly early on, he realized that he had never really pushed himself beyond his comfort zone in his training and had always stopped once it started to hurt. Training alongside other Free Athletes inspired him to reach for limits he didn’t even realize he had. “The community taught me to always be prepared to give a bit more every day.”

Throughout his journey, Thorsten learned the importance of patience and that significant physical changes don’t happen overnight. “You have to learn to be patient and that the only way to improve is by pushing yourself to your absolute limit. It’s not enough just to train to satisfy your conscience; if you really want to progress, you have to be ready to give a bit more every day. Hard work will always pay off in the end!” His advice for people at the start of their Freeletics journeys? “Start today and feel better and fitter tomorrow.”

Feeling inspired? Why not start your journey today and become a fitter, healthier and happier version of you? Download the app now.