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“I wanted to make the best of my paternity leave” – Andreas’ story

Andreas Kueselich before & after

After having to take a two-year break from exercise due to a sports-related injury and indulging in an unhealthy diet, I found myself having to sit down or use steps just to tie my shoelaces. This bothered me so much and made me realise that something had to change.

At the time, I was just starting my paternity leave with my eight month-old son, so I knew I had to make the best of my time – those 30 to 60-minute naps.

In August I watched various Freeletics videos and transformation videos on YouTube and wondered if those results were really possible. But the fact that you just need about 10 to 40 minutes for a workout convinced me and I immediately got the Coach and started training five days a week. The first workout was Metis and lasted almost 12 minutes. I had never done burpees before. The only thing I wanted to do afterwards was just to DIE!

By the end of September I had improved consistently and reduce my weight from 90kg to 85kg. But then came a nasty flu. After this break, I couldn’t get back to where I had been and deleted the app.

On January 1st 2016 I started again with the goal to complete 365 workouts in 2016. Since I had improved my nutrition, it was much easier this time around as I had already reduced my weight to 80kg. In April, I reached my lowest weight ever: 71.9kg. 18kg less than ever before and something I never thought would be possible: I had visible abs!

By the end of 2016 I had done almost 1,000 workouts. The 40 minutes for my first Aphrodite turned to just 16 minutes!

2017 will be different again. My paternity leave is over and I can’t train whenever I want anymore. Since I haven’t yet reached my final goal of having a sixpack, I will just have to motivate myself to train in the evening after work and do some Burpees to reach my goal!”