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“With Bodyweight I lost fat. With Gym I gained muscle.” – Craig’s story

975x650 Craig

I was lucky enough to visit Hong Kong and China on a business trip. At the time I had spent many months and years eating badly and generally feeling unwell. I was suffering heart palpitations, stress, constant indigestion and heartburn and other related issues. My diet was terrible and after spending a lot of my youth as a competitive swimmer, I’d really let myself go.

The Far East trip was a huge wake up call as my complaints had all vanished afterwards and this could only be down to the change in diet. I continued to feel better whilst out there and on the flight home I vowed to sort myself out, it was time to eat right and find an exercise programme that I could stick to. I’d given up smoking a few months earlier so that was one major issue taken care of. I found a couple of old pictures of myself from 2010 when I was 27 years old which was a time when I felt well and looked in better shape. This was now my target, I wanted a better body than I had 10 years ago. I took new pictures to show myself how much I’d declined, and this was an eye opener.

I spent a bit of time looking for an iPhone app, I wanted something that took the thinking out of creating workouts and also logged my progress. I hadn’t considered bodyweight training before as I’d only ever performed weight training mixed with cardio in the past. I also did some searching on Youtube and spotted a video uploaded by Lukas Witzani, I was amazed by his transformation and immediately thought “that can’t be real”. So I searched for more Freeletics transformations and I was seeing more and more amazing results. A little more convinced I downloaded the app and never looked back. Freeletics has changed my life. The community aspect of the app was really important to me when starting out, the praise and support I received really spurred me on. I’ve not had the chance to take part in a group workout but there is still time in the future. I will continue with the Gym app for a few more months to gain muscle and will then go back to Bodyweight before the summer to trim any fat gained. But I mainly want to get back to Bodyweight because I miss the cardio aspect of those workouts.