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The 6 steps to becoming your greatest version

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6 years and 0 excuses. Since the beginning, Freeletics has been dedicated to enabling people to develop a long-term athletic lifestyle. We’re rooted in community and believe that everyone is capable of achieving greatness, but you need to put in the work, the sweat - and yes, the burpees.

To celebrate our 6 year anniversary, we wanted to share our six steps to becoming your greatest version. Because a long-term healthy lifestyle knows no finish-line. And the key to continuing to evolve? That’s you, and the choices you make.

1. Live, sleep and breathe NoExcuses

NoExcuses is a mindset that goes beyond completing an Aphrodite. By adopting this mentality in all aspects of your life, you break free of barriers and continue to push yourself up to and beyond your limits. Changing your perspective as an athlete is a simple yet effective way to reach your goals both on and off the training ground.

2. Celebrate the milestones

What do you do when you have finished a training journey and crushed your PB? Do you do a fist pump, a few Clap Claps and immediately start focusing on your next goal? Or do you take a moment to reflect on your achievement - where you were and where you are now? While it’s true the only way to keep growing is to keep setting new goals, it’s also super critical to applaud what you accomplished as you reach each one. Because, in the end, that is what really keeps you motivated to stay on the long road to transformation.

3. Know your “Why”

Establishing the “why” behind your goals is the first step to reaching them. Determining what it is that motivates you will make you more likely to reach your goals as it gives you something to focus on, even when times are tough. And this shouldn’t be a merely superficial goal; so you want to lose weight for summer - why? Is this to feel more confident? Happier in yourself? More satisfied with your lifestyle? Even aesthetic goals have a deeper “why” behind them. Establishing what your “why” is will keep you on track to reach them.

4. Set SMART Goals & CHARM to achieve them

Achievable goals are SMART and have CHARM. SMART goals encourage focus and action and are a way of bringing structure and measurability into your goals and objectives. By ensuring that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based, you’re more likely to reach your objectives. But it doesn’t end there. Once you’ve set your goals, you need a strategy to achieve them. Consistency, Honesty, Accountability, Re-evaluation and Motivation are the things to bear in mind once we’ve set the wheels in motion. They’re what make your goals a reality.

5. Make use of your Freedom

Freedom is choice and with choice comes responsibility. As Free Athletes, you’re able to train wherever, whenever and however you like; you’re not restricted by boundaries, gym opening hours or ineffective workouts. Busy? Tired? Not seeing results? Free Athletes aren’t held back by these things. The clue is in the name; Free Athletes are free to train in the way that best suits them. Free Athletes have the gift of freedom, it’s up to you how you use it.

6. Maximize your 24 hours

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day to do as they wish. So why do some people manage to achieve more in this time than others? It all comes down to productivity. How can we use our time to do the most of what matters to us? Stop wishing you had more hours in your day and start making them. Wake up earlier, take shorter but more regular breaks and learn how to say “no”, but also when to say “yes”. All of these will help you to do more, experience more and achieve more.

Let’s recap:

We can help you on your way to becoming your greatest version, but at the end of the day, it’s down to you. This World Freeletics Day, put the excuses aside, set your goals and celebrate yourself - it’s in your hands.